Marshal Handbook
Find answers to the questions we get asked the most about working with Tracsis Events.
Welcome to Tracsis Events event traffic management!
During your onboarding process, the staffing team will have helped you on your journey through sign up right the way to where you are ready to start your first shift.
We hope you enjoy your time working at one of our many events throughout the UK. This handbook is designed to help you prepare for your first day on site.
Please read through before you attend your first shift to ensure you fully understand what to bring with you as well as what to expect.
Should you have any further questions at all please call us on 01423 326 622 or 01676 549 001 or email us on eventjobs@tracsis.com
General information
- You must be 18 + years old to work for us.
- You need to prove that you have the right to work in the UK before you can work at one of our events. The easiest way to do this is with an UK passport if you have one. If not, then there are several other options of what you can use, including if you are an international student. Please refer to https://www.gov.UK/government/publications/right-to-work-checklist for the latest acceptable documentation.
- This handbook has been prepared by the Tracsis Events HR management team. It is intended to give you all the important information you may need.
- It covers general regulations and customer questions. It also reminds you about safety, highlighting key points, and details what is required from you in an emergency.
- Please apply common sense in the workplace and do your utmost to give the public a safe and enjoyable day at the event.always be prepared to help another member of your team or other event staff.
- Remember that teamwork is the key
- Be polite and courteous at all times.
- The success of our operation at an event relies on your valued contribution, which will be boosted by a confident and friendly approach
Absence/unable to attend
If you are unable to attend your booked shift(s) or an event, you will need to contact us with as much notice as possible so we can cover your allocated hours.
24 hours + to event
- Contact the staffing team on 01423 326 622
Less than 24 hours to event (day of event)
- contact the responsible person on site whose details will be emailed to you
We appreciate that circumstances change and will do our best to support your absence however Tracsis Events operate a 3-strike policy. Please ensure when you call to cancel your shift(s) you inform us of the reason you cannot attend.
If you should not attend a shift and fail to inform us prior to the event, then please call us within 48 hours of your allocated shift to explain your absence. In the circumstance you don't attend and fail to contact us, you will automatically be suspended from any future roles with Tracsis Events until you contact the staffing team.
It will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis as to whether the suspension will be lifted.
What to expect on day one
What do I wear for work?
- You will be provided with a yellow or orange high visibility uniform which you are required to wear, fastened up, at all times.
- Please wear black trousers.
- Comfortable waterproof shoes, boots or trainers in a dark colour.
- Do not wear sportswear.
What should I bring with me?
- Be prepared for all types of weather, shower- proof clothing is advisable.
- Bring plenty of water or non-alcoholic drinks.
- In hot weather bring sun-cream, sunglasses, cap etc.
- It is advisable to bring food with you as it can be expensive to buy at events.
- It is your responsibility to look after your own belongings. Tracsis Events will not be held responsible for any losses.
- Bring your right to work documents detailed below, 1 of each document type (2 x documents)
General duties
Carry out your duties as instructed by your supervisor.
- Be polite and courteous to customers and always offer a warm welcome - you could very well be talking to the event organiser.
- Be helpful and assist in any way you can with customer queries. If you are unable to do so, refer them to your supervisor.
- Wear the high visibility uniform always fastened up whilst on duty. Please always look smart and presentable.
We expect you to remain at your post to carry out your work as instructed by your supervisor. You have been placed there for a reason and should not abandon this point unless instructed or authorised by your supervisor.
- For health and safety reasons, you must notify your supervisor if you are ceasing work.
- Remain standing up and keep a watchful eye whilst on duty. If there is a quiet part of the day, do not just sit down - ask your supervisor if there is anything else you can assist with as your current position is quiet.
- Maintain a calm and collected manner. Do not get flustered or agitated. If you have a problem, see your supervisor.
You must always conduct yourself professionally – treating all everyone with dignity, respect and consideration. You are a brand representative for Tracsis Events and the event you are working at. The way you conduct yourself reflects on all of us –unacceptable or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated.
The three A's are:
- Appearance –look smart, act smart
- Approach –be confident, convey trust
- Attitude –be enthusiastic, attentive and courteous at all times
Enjoy yourself while you are working with us.
And the three P's - always be:
- Polite
- Positive
- Professional in your outlook and you will give a good impression.
When at work - do's & dont's
There is a strict zero tolerance policy regarding alcohol consumption while working.
Anyone found to be drinking or under the influence of alcohol when on duty will be instantly told to cease work for Tracsis Events and leave the site. Soft drinks and water can be freely consumed.
We have a very strict zero tolerance policy regarding drug taking when at work. Anyone found using drugs or under the influence of drugs will be instantly told to cease work for Tracsis Events.
You are not permitted to eat when on duty. Breaks are provided at appropriate times.
Mobile phones
Mobile phone use when on duty is not permitted, except in an emergency. A car park can be a dangerous place of work and you need to be fully attentive at all times.
You are not permitted to smoke when on duty.
Entry into an event
Please note that entry into an event is not automatically permitted. Your supervisor will advise you about any arrangements that may have been made for entry/access for Tracsis Events casual staff.
If you do have access to the event for nonwork-related purposes, you must remove all company uniform prior to entry. Please remember that your behaviour within an event is still reflective of the company and as such any unsuitable behaviour will not be tolerated.
Health & safety at work
Harassment and bullying
We have a very strict zero tolerance policy regarding any form of harassment and / or bullying which occurs both in and out of the workplace and at an event site.
You must treat everyone around you with dignity and respect and should always consider whether your words or conduct could be offensive to others. Even unintentional harassment or bullying is unacceptable.
Violence, aggression and threatening behaviour
There is a strict zero tolerance policy regarding any form of violence, aggression, threatening or inappropriate behaviour towards any other person, including staff members and the public both in and out of the workplace and at an event site.
We do not discriminate against staff based on age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination by anyone working for or with us.
Tracsis Events will ensure that you are given a HI-VIZ uniform together with any relevant staff handbooks. Your supervisor will provide you with all the information, training and supervision necessary for you to complete your work safely.
If you sustain any injury whilst working for Tracsis Events, no matter how small, this MUST be reported to Tracsis Events Ltd. Inform your supervisor and let them know exactly what has happened. They will escort you to first aid if necessary and fill out an accident report.
If you have any concerns please contact your supervisor, staff manager, event manager or head office.
Car parking
- It is your responsibility as a car park stewards to ensure that each car is parked as quickly as possible, to keep traffic queues to the event as short as possible.
- We park vehicles in two rows, one behind another. We call these rows "doubles". Parking in this way allows ample spacing between the parked double lines of cars and allows the front line to drive out forwards and the back line to reverse out.
- Cars are parked in a straight line as indicated by markers (a mown line in grass, cones, ropes etc.)
- The first row is parked on the marked line; the second row is parked behind. The rear bumpers of the cars in the front row should be close to the front bumpers of the cars in the second row.
- By parking the cars in double rows, you ensure that every driver can leave the event site whenever they want to.
- It is important to pay attention when parking vehicles to ensure that you do not create '3-ups' - this is when you park cars in rows of 3 instead of 2. 3-ups cause ma jor problems as they completely block the middle row of cars in. Remember to be constantly aware of what is going on around you.
- You will at some point be able to manage parking several cars at once by directing them into allotted spaces. This is often done when parking the second row of cars, making sure that they are as close to the car in front as possible.
- Keep the traffic moving at all times.
Positioning yourself safely and communicating with other drivers
- Try to avoid talking to drivers who are on their way in - a 30 second chat can cause major hold-ups further down the line.
- When you start guiding vehicles into parking spaces, make sure that you have made eye contact with the driver and that he/she has seen you.
- At no point should you stand directly in front of moving vehicles - stand to the side and direct.
- The obvious thing to remember is to stay visible to the driver. If they cannot see you then they will not know what you want them to do or where you want them to go.
- Make sure the area you are directing the vehicle to is free of pedestrians before you show the driver where he/she is to park.
- When directing a vehicle, extend your arm and using a rigid palm, motion the vehicle to the area you want them to go. During the vehicle manoeuvre give clear and precise hand signals and/or verbal advice (where necessary). Do not touch vehicles i.e. Banging on roofs or bonnets.
- Never position yourself between a moving vehicle and a stationary one.
- When reversing vehicles, position yourself towards the rear of the vehicle, always on the driver's side. Never stand directly behind a moving vehicle.
Be aware
- Always be prepared for a driver doing the unexpected e.g. Turning left when indicating right.
- Be aware that drivers will sometimes do exactly the opposite of what you have asked them to do.
- Be aware that vehicles handle differently in bad weather conditions i.e. On wet grass they may slide or get stuck - try to keep them moving.
If there is an accident along the route the traffic is taking within the car park, you should take the following actions:
- Contact your supervisor immediately.
- Check for injuries.
- If there are no injuries, and it is safe to do so, direct other traffic around the incident, so as to minimise delay.
- Do not offer first aid (unless you are a qualified first aider) - if this is required your supervisor will contact the emergency services.
- If you are involved in any way with an incident or accident do not admit liability. Contact your supervisor immediately and he/she will deal with the situation.
- Parking cars is very much a team effort, and one person can undo all the good work of the rest of the team if they do not pay attention.
- Clear instructions to drivers and good communication between you and your team members is the key to achieving an efficient car park.
Exiting strategy
- When traffic starts to build up on exit, you may need to explain to drivers about any hold ups that may occur.
- Many event sites are situated off minor roads. Such roads may, at peak times during events, become congested with traffic.
- The biggest problem for hold ups is most commonly the sheer volume of traffic visiting an event. If there are hold ups, try to explain to drivers who lose their patience why it is taking some time for them to leave the show site.
- Factors that can create traffic congestion are:
- Events being held at stately homes or green field sites which are not designed for such use.
- Traffic management controls at exit points onto the highways, which could well be busy.
- External traffic lights controlling exiting show traffic but favouring highway traffic.
- Approximately 1100 cars can exit through one gate in an hour - at most events we deal with at least 5,000 cars.
- Rush hour traffic can cause major hold-ups, especially on Thursdays and Fridays.
- An incident on the highway may quickly cause a backlog of vehicles, which may then affect exiting vehicles from the event site.
- There may be many pedestrians also leaving an event.
- A brief explanation of one or all the above points to most drivers will be enough to satisfy them. Try to explain to as many drivers as you can - people feel better if they are kept informed.
- There will inevitably be occasions when you encounter verbal abuse from drivers. It is important not to retaliate in any way - just walk away from their vehicle and inform your supervisor as soon as possible.
- Do not lose your temper at any time. There is nothing you can do to help the situation in these circumstances, other than being as polite and helpful as you can be.
- View visitors' cars as the last grains of sand in an egg-timer i.e. It will inevitably take time for all of the grains to run out.
Ticket selling & labels
Always make sure that you adhere to the following instructions.
Ticket sales:
- Never tear off a ticket from a book or roll until the customer has handed you their money. If left with an unsold loose ticket, see your supervisor.
- Give the customer a ticket as a receipt for payment. There are ticket checkers who confirm this action.
- Make sure that you issue the correct change.
- Never give a ticket out on receipt of any voucher unless authorised by your supervisor.
- Do not issue any refunds unless you have your supervisor’s permission.
- Refer any customer queries regarding admission pricing to your supervisor.
- Do not exchange any of your money or any of your tickets with another seller without the knowledge of your supervisor.
- Before you leave your post, you must hand your money and tickets to your supervisor.
When operating in vehicle pay lanes, there will sometimes be vehicles displaying passes or labels in their windscreens. At some events there may be several different labels –these indicate a different level of access for the occupants of the vehicle. Before you start work, your Supervisor will show you examples of all the different labels and will explain what they mean. There are some labels that indicate that the vehicles are allowed access to certain areas at certain times. You should be made aware of these by your Supervisor. If unsure always check with your Supervisor. These labels may include the following:
- AAA (Access All Areas) passes
- Site Vehicle passes
- Production passes
- Contractors passes
Other labels will relate to members, VIP’s, and disabled etc. Tickets and badges may have to be checked - your supervisor will provide you with specific event information.
Disabled drivers/forward parking area:
In most cases there is what is known as a forward parking area where disabled drivers, and sometimes other less able visitors such as pregnant women or the elderly, can park. This is generally situated at the front of the public parking area.
However, at certain events, there could be a specific car park provided solely for disabled drivers. Your supervisor will advise you of where the disabled and/or forward parking is for your specific event.
Any vehicle without a label is not permitted through a labelled gate or entrance. All traffic without labels should be directed to the public car park. Be diplomatic. In no way suggest that the visitor is attempting to gain access to areas that he/she is not allowed in (this does happen quite frequently with disabled car parking).it is important that you do not get involved in any conflict. If a customer becomes agitated, contact your supervisor immediately who will then deal with the matter.
- Be courteous and advise the driver that they may have entered the wrong car park. Establish where their label/pass (if they have one) allows them access and then advise them as to where they should be.
- Refer to any site map you may have been provided with.
- Try and direct the driver back to his/her allocated route.
- If you are unable to assist, contact your Supervisor who will redirect them.
- If your ticket sales duties end but you are still working, you will be given new instructions to assist in some other capacity. This could involve you working in the car parks and it is therefore in your best interest that you read the Exiting Strategy.
Traffic management stewards
Working on road closures, pedestrian crossing, Traffic lights, stop/go and response vehicles:
- Always be aware of your surroundings.
- A trained lantra operative will always be with you when working on traffic lights or a stop/go operation or in the line of sight.
- The use of mobiles phones is not permitted unless it is an emergency or you need to call your supervisor.
- Wear gloves when handling stop/go boards.
- Work in pairs when moving temporary traffic lights.
- Always listen to the instructions/whistle when used on a pedestrian crossing operation.
- Be aware of the traffic light sequence.
- When working in response, always exit the vehicle on the nearside - never into live traffic.
- When working on a road closure do not stand in front of the vehicle. If the driver persists in wanting to get passed you, then allow them and inform your supervisor. Under no circumstance should you remain in front on the moving vehicle.
Once your application has been accepted, Tracsis Events is under no obligation to offer work to you, nor are you obligated to accept any work that is offered. If work is offered and accepted by you, either party may terminate the agreement with reasonable notice.
Questions you may be asked by visitors:
The following is a list of the questions you are most likely to be asked during your shift –try to ensure that you find out most of the answers as soon as you start work:
- What time does the event open?
- What time does the event close?
- Where are the toilets?
- Where can I get a taxi/bus/train?
- Where is the nearest first aid point?
- Is there a cash point on site?
- Where can I buy a programme?
- Where can I buy food/drink?
- Where is the box office/ticket office?
- Where is lost and found?
- Where is my car!?
A-Z General information
Abandoned vehicles
If there is an unattended vehicle causing an obstruction, inform your supervisor who will seek to resolve the issue.
Access to the event
Staff should check the operational hours for the car parks with their supervisor at the start of their shift.
Animals/pets - access into the event
Events have different rules on this and you should check with your supervisor at the start of your shift.
Animals/pets - in cars
If you see an animal in distress in a vehicle, contact your supervisor immediately and they will request assistance from either the police or the rspca. Animals can become seriously distressed or even die if left in unattended vehicles in hot weather without adequate ventilation and water.
Banking facilities
There are usually cash machines on the event site. Your supervisor will be able to inform you of their specific location.
Bus services
Certain events operate shuttle buses to and from the show. See your supervisor to get location and timetable information.
For health and safety reasons, overnight parking and camping is not permitted, other than in designated camping areas. If you see any member of the public camping on a car park, please inform your supervisor who will deal with the matter.
Be especially aware of children running around in the car parks and look out for their safety.
Collection of tickets
Tickets are usually collected from a box office. This is generally situated outside the main Entrance to the event.
Crowd safety/management
Any occurrence during the event in the car parks which gives any employee cause for concern (e.g. drunkenness, organised protests, overcrowding, ticket touts etc.) Should be reported to your supervisor.
In an emergency, contact anyone with a radio i.e. Security, event staff or your supervisor. Be very clear and precise with your details. You may also call 999 if the need arises.
First aid
There is always first aid provision at events - usually st john's ambulance. Be sure that you are aware of their location from the start.
If you come across a hazard such as broken glass or a build-up of waste materials, please report this immediately to your supervisor. Be clear and precise with the details. Please be observant and look out for hazards that may put a visitor at risk - boulders, poles, cones etc.
If you cannot remove or make good the hazard yourself, contact your supervisor, who will arrange to have the hazard removed.
Hospitality /VIP /guests
There will usually be an area set aside to accommodate such visitors. Your supervisor will tell you where this area is.
If someone is injured, immediately contact your supervisor or your nearest st john's ambulance medic. They will record the incident and will require information if you witnessed the injury occurring. In such cases, be clear and precise when giving details and where possible, take photographs at the scene.
Lost & found
Hand over any items you find to your supervisor. Visitors who have lost items should be directed to the event manager's office. Anyone who is lost should be placed in the care of your supervisor who will organise for the relevant authority to care for that person.
These are usually sited at the point of entry to the event or by ticket sales points. They contain most of the event's useful information.
Radio contact
Any urgent information that needs to be relayed, speak to your supervisor, security or any member of the event staff with a radio. If you must give instructions, be clear and precise.
If there is a security issue, forward any information to your supervisor, security or a member of the event staff. Be clear and precise.
Health & safety - general
For all our standard health and safety policies, documents and information please visit the below links:
Casual work for Tracsis Events
Any person seeking casual work with Tracsis Events can report to the Tracsis Events base at the event, visit our website Tracsisevents.com to find out whether casual work is available. When casual work is available, Tracsis Events will notify work seekers of the work to be done and hourly pay rates.
Tracsis Events is under no obligation to provide work to any work seeker and can require any casual staff to cease working and leave an event at any time without giving reasons. Equally casual staff are under no obligation personally to do casual work for Tracsis Events.
For health and safety reasons casual staff and substitutes must comply with any operational guidance or health and safety rules provided to them.
This notice comprises the complete basis on which casual work is made available by Tracsis Events and no other document, action, omission or representation by Tracsis Events, casual staff or any third party shall convert the performance of casual work by any person into a contract of employment with Tracsis Events or a contract personally to do work for Tracsis Events.
Tracsis Events operates a high standard whilst on site at a client’s event, we reserve the right to refuse any further work to casual workers who breach health and safety guidance, code of conduct or put Tracsis Events’s reputation at risk by their actions.
Getting paid
The responsible person on site are will clock you in and out of your shift. They will accurately report your hours to ensure you get paid correctly and on time.
They will monitor if you are late and if you leave early, this will be incorporated into your hours at the end of the shift so please bear this in mind. Payroll will be run every two weeks ensuring you get paid for your work for the previous two weeks in arrears.
If you have any queries, you can check your pay slip to ensure your hours and pay rate are correct.
We recommend you also keep a log of your hours, the jobs you work on and the pay rate as a failsafe.
If you have any further queries, you can contact the staffing team who will check your details and escalate your query if required.