Find answers to the questions we get asked the most about working with Tracsis Events.
Working with Tracsis Events
We have brought together the most frequently asked questions.
Once you have applied online you will be short-listed for the events you have requested.
3 - 4 weeks before the event, we will text you with further information. If you do not hear from us do get in touch again, but it may be that demand has been too great for everyone to be offered work.
You need to prove that you have the right to work in the UK before you are able to work at one of our events. The easiest way to do this is with an EU passport if you have one. If not then there are a number of other options of what you can use, including if you are an international student.
Please refer tohttps://www.gov.uk/government/publications/right-to-work-checklist for the latest acceptable documentation.
Car Parking Steward - Directing and parking vehicles as they enter and exit an event.
Ticket Selling - This can be selling admission tickets on the gate of an event, or selling car park tickets to cars entering an event (the minimum age for this is 18).
Ticket Checking - Checking tickets and passes for both vehicles and people.
Traffic Management Stewards.
Comfortable waterproof shoes, boots or trainers in a dark colour.
Plain black or white top - no logos.
Black trousers or leggings - no rips or logos.
Bring clothes for all weathers (especially rain).
Sunglasses are fine, but remove them when talking to customers, if you can.
Wear the provided high-visibility uniform fastened up at all times whilst on duty.
Please look smart and presentable at all times.
Water - no alcoholic drinks.
Sun cream.
A sense of humour.
Whilst working with us, you are responsible for your own belongings, Tracsis Events will not be held responsible for any losses.
Tracsis Events will provide you with the necessary high-visibility uniform for the event, this should be worn and fastened up at all times whilst on duty.
If camping is available, it will show a tent icon on the future events list.
If you are camping you must arrive before 6.00pm the evening before your first shift is due to start. If you are going to be late please call the Point of Contact on site and let them know. Please do not call head office.
Power may not be available when camping. If you see a generator on site, you must speak to the event or campsite manager beforehand to request permission to use. Electric kettles or microwaves are not allowed as this will cause a surge and trip out the generator. Gas kettles only.
If you are camping in a tent then you will need to bring your own camping equipment, Tracsis Events will not provide camping equipment for you.
Tent (no sleeping in cars is permitted).
Cooking equipment.
Bedding etc.
If you are sleeping in a live-in vehicle then it must be serviced by a qualified/certified person, all power leads must be in good working order (no tape holding it together). We may ask you for proof of caravan service.
We may refuse camping in tents between the months of October - May. The weather can get very cold and we have a duty of care to staff.
Please keep our campsites tidy!
Camping is generally free, unless otherwise stated.
Breaks will be provided at the appropriate times, usually before or after the busy period of the event.
This will vary for each event.
Toilets - porta-loos will be available but may not be in walking distance from the Tracsis Events campsite.
Showers - may not be available (bring baby wipes!) - check with the staffing manager. If available, they are generally located within the contractor’s campsite.
First Aid - on main event days there is a medical team e.g. St John Ambulance. During the event build Tracsis Events have first aid kits.Cash Machines - not always and if you do not drive, bring enough money with you as local supermarkets could be a 30-minute drive away. Some events will have shops where you can buy wellington boots, waterproof clothing etc. It can be expensive so bring your own!
Drinking Water - we provide water when on shift if no drinking taps are made available, but it is still best to bring your own as well.
Food - we do not provide meals. Bring enough food to last you the entire event. Some events have food stalls but can be quite expensive. Other staff members may be going to a local supermarket so you can always see if you can also go and get more provisions.
Parking - we offer free car parking at most events.
No, it is your responsibility to get to and from the event. We encourage car sharing and if you sign up to our Tracsis Events Recruitment page on Facebook or the staffing portal you can ask or post to see if anybody is going to the same event.
No, we cannot accommodate pets at events. Leave your furry friends at home!
Please see our section about 'When things go wrong'
Working for Tracsis Events
What you need to know

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Health & Safety
Key Health & Safety points when working for Tracsis Events.

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Event Portfolio
We are traffic management specialists working at some of the top events in the UK.