Tracsis Events Marshals directing traffic

Health & Safety

Key Health & Safety points when working for Tracsis Events.

Key Documents

Below you will find the relevant health and safety documents for the duration of your work with Tracsis Events

A first aid kit.

Health & Safety

Download our Event Services Health & Safety handbook

All of the above documents should be read in conjunction with the Casual Worker Agreement and the Marshal Handbook

Please observe the following whilst working:

  • Take reasonable care of your own health & safety and that of others who may be affected by the job that you are doing.
  • Always co-operate with the Tracsis Events Team on all aspects of health & safety matters.
  • Use all work items provided by Tracsis Events correctly, in accordance with any instruction provided by Tracsis Events.
  • If you have an illness that requires you to take medication please let your supervisor and staffing manager know.
  • Always use your common sense.

Additional documents

If you have any further questions you can contact the Tracsis Events Safety Team at

Working for Tracsis Events

What you need to know

A stack of orange Tracsis Events branded high visibility jackets

Event Vacancies

All future event opportunities.

A Tracsis Events Marhsal in front of a Tracsis branded van


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Close up of a Tracsis Events Marshal's jacket

Marshal Handbook

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A Tracsis Events Marshal giving the thumbs up to a motorist

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An aerial view of cars parked in a field.

Event Portfolio

We are traffic management specialists working at some of the top events in the UK.