EVENT WORK: Resource Team Statement

26 March 21

Hi everyone!

Whilst we’ve been very quiet on a public front these last few months, our team have been working away behind the scenes to prepare ourselves for what is shaping up to look like a very busy end-of-summer season for events.

Since the government announced the roadmap out of lockdown, we have been in continued contact with our clients, many of whom have rescheduled their events for later on in the year instead of the earlier summer months in which some of them would normally take place. It’s a very exciting time, and we can’t wait to start speaking to you all again and getting you booked into some great events.

For a full list of what we have confirmed so far, click here. We regularly update it, so if you’re looking for an event that isn’t on there yet, do check back in at a later date.

Whilst we may not be booking shifts for our events just yet (watch this space), we are very much getting ready for the start of a somewhat different looking season. Once we do start booking shifts, it will be on our normal schedule of 4-5 weeks from the event start date, so keep an eye out on this group for which events will be live for booking.

We will be re-opening our phone lines again very, and we’ll keep you all posted when that happens. In the meantime, we are still here for any questions you might have, message or email us; we’d love to hear from you.
We hope everyone is doing well, and we’re very much looking forward to starting the journey to whatever normal will look like in 2021.

CTM Resource Team x