BOOMTOWN 2020: Increase in capacity!

31 July 19

Boomtown staff group

Congratulations to the Boomtown crew for getting their increased capacity licence granted and also a huge well done to Tom Ferris, John Bugg and Will Johnson of our operations team whom worked closely with Boomtown on developing the traffic management and logistics of such a massive event.

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Boomtown’s current license allows for a maximum of 65,999 persons on the site at any one time. This means an overall increase of 11,000 persons next year (10,000 extra ticket holders, 1,000 extra crew).

This is fantastic news for the Boomtown team, who have been fighting for a further capacity increase for the past 3 years. Their previous request for a capacity of 80,000 starting from 2018 was withdrawn after opposition.

This opposition was thought to be down to logistical problems in 2017, which saw attendees queuing as long as 10 hours to access the festival. Boomtown took the feedback on board, and completely revamped the entry gates ready for 2018. It was a massive improvement, and the shortest entry queues in years were achieved at Boomtown 2018.

The logistical problems were fixed, and the festivals infrastructure totally revamped. Having demonstrated these improvements, a capacity increase has finally been granted.

The new license should allow 58,000 ticket holders, 17,999 crew/artists/traders/guests and 1,000 local day ticket holders. The amount of public ticket holders allowed on site from Wednesday will increase to 27,500.

The previous license rejection in 2018 had been a huge set back. Boomtown have been working hard to keep their finances in balance ever since. The VIP area, Boomtown Springs was introduced in 2018 to provide some extra cash flow. But it was only a temporary stop gap, and in the long run, capacity upgrades would still be required to balance the books.

10,000 extra tickets next year will provide a vital injection of cash to keep the future of the festival safe. And it of course means investment in new stages, venues, sets and entertainment. All of which we have come to expect from Boomtown.

Boomtown has always tried to make each year bigger and better than the last. Every year the festival costs more money to put on. This is because the Boomtown team have a growing ambition to create the greatest festival in the world. And the high level of production seen at Boomtown doesn’t come cheap.

Boomtown wouldn’t be able to survive if it stayed stagnant. It must continue growing, so that it can keep upping the game and getting better and better. Boomtown has always grown explosively, and has even been named the fastest growing festival of the past decade. Boomtown by name, Boomtown by nature.

And Boomtown Source says… BRING IT ON! We can’t wait to see what the team have in store for us in the years to come.